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Cute Notebooks

Professional Projects

Academic Writings, Discussions, and More

Below are some samples of my work so you can get a feel for my outlook on topics related to psychology and therapeutic processes. If you would like to see more work, or want to learn more about my writing, please feel free to contact me.

Ethical Codes and State Laws Essay

Academic writing on ethical codes and states laws in California

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Code of Ethics is what Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) look at for guidance and explanation in regards to possible ethical issues, laws, and scenarios. The AAMFT Code of Ethics honors the trust in MFTs by setting standards for ethical practice. “The ethical standards define professional expectations and are enforced by the AAMFT Ethics Committee” (Preamble, AAMFT, 2015). These ethical standards take place in all states, but each state has its own specific regulations, statutes, and laws. This paper will discuss the topic of the AAMFT Code of Ethics with a focus on California’s laws, rules, and regulations in regards to LMFTs, as therapists are governed and guided by their state’s statutes and regulations.


My Work: My Work
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